Coach Sarah

Coach Sarah

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Coach Sarah
  • 60-Minute Circuit with Coach Sarah (030921)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights

    *MARCH MAXNESS 1 Minute G2J+T to start + End*

    5 Rounds of 45 seconds ON, 15 seconds REST:
    (1) 2 Lunges + 4 Hinge Jumps
    (2) Kipping High Pulls (hold torpedo like Hang to OH)
    (3) Push-Ups
    (4) Push Press
    (5) Swings

  • 45-Minute Strength with Coach Sarah (030221)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights

    Strength (14 minutes):

    6 Min:
    10-12 Single Arm Upright Rows (R/L)
    10-12 Single Arm Curls (R/L)
    10-12 Seated Strict Press
    10-12 Renegade Rows (R/L)
    ... then ...
    6 Min:
    8-10 Tempo Lateral Lunges (30X1) (R/L)
    6-8 Single Leg Snatches

    Buy in/Buy out:...

  • 60-Minute Strength with Coach Sarah (030221)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights

    Strength: (26 minutes):

    2 Cycles:
    6 Min:
    10-12 Single Arm Upright Rows (R/L)
    10-12 Single Arm Curls (R/L)
    10-12 Seated Strict Press
    10-12 Renegade Rows (R/L)
    ... then ...
    6 Min:
    8-10 Tempo Lateral Lunges (30X1) (R/L)
    6-8 Single Leg Snatches ...

  • 45-Minute Cardio with Coach Sarah (021621)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    2 Cycles:
    30 Seconds on, 30 Seconds off for 3 Minutes: Burpees
    ... then ...
    7 Minutes:
    3-6-9-12 .... so on and so forth:
    Sumo DL High Pull
    2 Point BO Row (R/L)
    OH Lunges

  • 45-Minute Cardio with Sarah (021421)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    3 Rounds:
    2 minutes:
    10 Push Press
    7 Hang to Overhead
    3 Burpees

    2 minutes:
    3 Tuck Jumps
    7 Thrusters
    10 7 Swings

    1 minute: Hovering Plank
    6 Rounds: 45 seconds: Max Reps Rotating through Above Movements
    15 sec...

  • 45-Minute Cardio with Sarah (020921)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    50 Single Arm Push Press
    50 Hinge Tuck Jumps
    50 Burpees
    50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

    ...then, in remaining time: 1-2-3-4-5 ... :
    Single Arm Push Press
    Hinge Tuck Jumps
    Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

  • 45-Minute Cardio with Coach Sarah (012621)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights

    Week of Legends!!


    Down + Up Rocket Jumps
    ... Rest 30 seconds

    ... then ...

    Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
    (2x) Jumping Lunges
    ... Rest 30 seconds, then start over

  • 45-Minute Strength with Coach Sarah (012421)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    2 Rounds:
    10 Bent Elbow Drop Lunges
    14 Curls
    ... then ...
    2 Rounds:
    8 OH Tricep Extensions
    12 Strict Press
    ... then ...
    2 Rounds:
    10 2-point BO Row (R/L)
    ... then ...
    20 Ground to Jump and Touch

  • 30- Minute Cardio with Coach Sarah (011821)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights

    Ground to Shoulder
    Torpedo Russian Twists

    *On minutes 3, 6, 9:
    20 NMC
    10 Mountain Jumps

  • 45- Minute Cardio with Coach Sarah (011621)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    4 Rounds:

    2 minutes:
    10 Suitcase Deadlifts (R/L)
    10 Single Arm Power Curls (R/L)

    2 Minutes:
    10 Upright Rows
    15 Squat Jumps

    1 Minute:
    10 High Knees,
    10 Single Hop Lateral Twists

  • 60- Minute Circuit with Coach Sarah (011521)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights

    (1) 1 Snatch + 1 Swing Snatch (swith hands at 30 seocnds)
    (2) 2x: 20 seconds: Flutter Kicks + 10 seconds: Skyscrapers
    (3) 2 Skaters + 2 Ground to Jump and Touch
    (4) 2x: 20 seconds: Narrow Mountain Climbers +10 seconds: Burpees
    (5) 1(+1) ...

  • 30-Minute Cardio with Coach Sarah (011121)


    2 Cycles:
    3 minutes:
    8 Ground to Shoulder + Shoulder to Overhead
    12 Plyo Swings
    16 OH Torp Jacks


    2 Rounds:
    30 seconds: Shoot Throughs
    30 seconds: Side Plank

  • 45- Minute Cardio with Coach Sarah (010921)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    3 Cycles:

    60-40-20 seconds:
    Predator Jacks


    3 minutes:
    12 Ground to Shoulder +
    FR Lunge (alt.)
    18 Leg Lifts (alt.)

  • 45-Minute Strength with Coach Sarah (010821)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    3 Rounds:
    12 Goblet Curtsy Squats
    12 Weighted Good Mornings (hold torpedo in back rack position) ...immediately into...
    30 Jumping Lunges
    3 Rounds:
    10 Curl and Press
    10 Strict Hang to OH
    ...immediately into...
    30 Push Pr...

  • 30-Minute Circuit with Coach Sarah (010421)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights

    (1) Thrusters
    (2) 2x: 20 Sec: NMC 10 Sec: Push Ups
    (3) Coffin Sit Ups
    (4) Hang 2 OH
    (5) Sprinter Jumps (30 Seconds: R/L)

  • 45- Minute Cardio with Coach Sarah (010121)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    2 Rounds:
    6 Squat Rocket Jumps
    9 Predator Jacks
    12 Jumping Lunges
    ... then ...
    30 Narrow Mountain Climbers
    2 Rounds:
    3 Push-Ups
    6 Plank Jacks
    9 (2 Jumping Jacks + 4 High Knees)
    ... then ...
    30 Bicycles

  • 45-Minute Cardio with Coach Sarah (010421)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    Snatches (switch arms at half)
    Single Arm Push Press (switch arms at half)
    Dead Jacks

    ** On Minutes 4,8,12,16:
    8 Upright Rows
    4 Burpees
    2 Tuck Jumps

  • 60- Minute Circuit with Coach Sarah (123120)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    (1) Front Squats
    (2) Swing Snatch Lunge (Torp R Hand, Lunge L)
    (3) Ab-Mat Sit Ups
    (4) Swing Snatch Lunge (Torp L Hand Lunge R)
    (5) 3 BO Row + 3 Ground 2 Jump & Touch

    ...then rest one minute

  • 45- Minute Strength with Coach Sarah (010321)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights

    10-12 Front Rack Bulgarian
    Split Squats (R/L)
    10-12 SA Bench Press (R/L)
    10-12 OH Drive Lunges
    10-12 Forward Raise to Shoulder
    Max Crunches

    45-60 sec of rest between
    rounds (after crunches)

  • 30-Minute Circuit with Coach Sarah (122120)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    3 Rounds:
    (1) Ground 2 Jump & Touch
    (2) Swings
    (3) 1 Jumping Lunge + 1 Floating Lunge
    (4) Snatches (alt. every 3 reps)
    (5) 3 Push-Ups + 2 Half Burpees

  • 45-Minute Strength with Coach Sarah (121020)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    2 Cycles:

    4 minutes:
    6 Sprinter Rows (R/L)
    10 Push-Ups

    4 Minutes:
    6 Gorilla Rows (R/L)
    10 Seated Strict Press

    4 minutes:
    15 Bicycles
    12 Leg Extensions
    9 Sit-ups

  • 45- Minute Cardio with Coach Sarah (121420)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    2 Cycles:

    3 Minutes: Thrusters - every time you break, complete 3(+3) Broad Jump + Step Back


    3 Minutes: Sit-ups - every time you break, complete 3(+3) Burpees


    3 Minutes: Swings - every time you break, complete 3(+3) Broad Jum...

  • 60-Minute Circuit with Coach Sarah (120720)

    Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights


    5 Rounds - 1 Minute Each:
    (1) Plyo DL Jumps (30 Seconds: R/L)
    (2) Single Arm Thrusters (30 Seconds: R/L)
    (3) 2x 20 Seconds: Hollow Hold, 10 Seconds: Flutter Kicks
    (4) 1 Torp Pull under + 1 Renegade Row
    (5) Mountain Climbers
    1 Min: Rest