Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights
4 Rounds:
30 Seconds: Strict Upright Row
1 Minute: Sit-ups
30 Seconds: Push-ups
1 Minute: Alternating Staggered Deadlifts
6 x Tabata Intervals:
Gorilla Rows (alt. each interval)
Up Next in Coach Jalisa
60-Minute Circuit with Coach Jalisa (...
Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights
5 Rounds
1 Minute Each:
(1) 1 Swing Snatch (R) +1 OH Lunge (R hand, L leg), 1 Push Press (R)
(2), 6 Leg Extensions + 12 Bicycles
(3) 1 Swing Snatch (L), 1 OH Lunge (L hand, R leg), 1 Push Press (L)
(4) 6 Predator Jacks + 12 High Knees ... -
45-Minute Cardio with Coach Jalisa (0...
Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights
4 Rounds:
3 Minutes:
6 Thrusters
6 Swing Sntach (R/L)
6 Push PressThen
2 Minutes:
10 Curls,
10 Straight Leg DL (Rounds 1/3)
10 Down and Up Rocket Jumps, 20 Torp Jacks (Rounds 2/4) -
45-Minute Cardio with Coach Jalisa (0...
Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights
For 10 Minutes:
50 Snatches
50 Sit-ups
50 Narrow Mountain Climbers* EMOM - 6 Jumping Lunges
For 10 Minutes:
50 Snatches
50 Sit-ups
50 Narrow Mountain Climbers* EMOM - 5 Push-ups