Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights
10 Torp Russian Twists
3x 1 Push-up + 1 Burpee
10 Torp Russian Twists
10 Thrusters
3x 1 Push-up + 1 Burpee
10 Torp Russian Twists
10 Thrusters
20 Jumping Lunges
3x 1 PUsh-up + 1 Burpee
30 Hang to OH
Up Next in Dumbbell or Torpedo Classes
60-Minute Circuit with Coach Rachel (...
Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights
5 Rounds, 1 Minute Each:
(1) 1 Push-up > Side Plank R, 1 Push-up > Side Plank L
(2) 2 Half Burpee + 3 Air Squats
(3) 30 Seconds: Single Arm Push Press (R/L)
(4) Rotational Ground to OH (alternate directions each rep)
(5) Down and Ups ... -
45-Minute Strength with Coach Sooz (1...
Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights
2 Cycles:
4 Minutes:
7x 1 1/2 Tempo Straight Leg DL
7 Single Leg Glute Bridge (R/L)Then
1 Minute:
Max Box Step Ups (holding weight in farmer carry but switching hands as needed)Then
4 Minutes:
7 Single Arm Curl and Press (R/L)
14 Si... -
45-Minute Cardio with Coach Ben (102520)
Equipment Needed: A Torpedo or Medium Weights
20 Burpees
30 Snatches (alternating)
40 Single Arm OH Lunges
50 Power Curls
60 Air Squats
... after completing each movement, before moving onto the next:
7 Ground to Jump and Touch
7 Predator Jacks